Well, it’s 2022, and life has been very busy. It’s been three months since my last post. Must be a sign of advancing age that I’m getting slower in sitting down to write. What have we been up to? Well, let’s see…
We drove down to coastal Georgia to visit Mike and Beth Pasakarnis, parents of Wolf from Suzanne’s book Wolf’s Message. They live on a small barrier island near Brunswick. These are also called “Sea Islands” in Georgia. This is the view from their dock; I would call this a marsh, but since Mike is from Plymouth, Mass, it’s a “mosh”. But I would never make fun of the way he talks….
We enjoyed “docktails” on their dock… quite civilized! It’s nice to have friends with a beautiful water view…
Beth is a veterinarian who volunteers at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center on Jekyll Island. Here is one of their rescued sea turtles. He is about 3-4 feet long, but they can grow to 8-9 feet long and weigh up to 1,500 lbs. The barrier islands in the southeast US are known for being good breeding grounds for sea turtles, and volunteers go out and rescue injured turtles and bring them to centers like this for recovery.
Jekyll Island is also the location of the Jekyll Island Club Resort, which has been a playground for the uber-wealthy for 130 years, most notably the Rockerfellers, Morgans, Pulitzers and Vanderbilts. The first transcontinental telephone call was made from the Club, as was the draft legislation to create the Federal Reserve System.
This photo was taken at Driftwood Beach on Jekyll Island. The puppies had only been on a beach a couple of times; they loved romping around in the soft sand!
Rusty and Nellie are both doing well. Rusty is 15 months old, and Nellie is just over 2 years old. Both are fully grown. Rusty had gained a little too much weight and is on a weight management plan, but achieved his ideal weight this week. They are very active and keep us on our toes all day long, but they are always good for smiles and laughs.
Savannah is a 45 minute drive from our house, and we have made a couple of trips there to visit friends, have dinner, etc. Here is Suzanne with Kendall Beene at the new Power Plant District on the waterfront; Kendall and Rob Gibson live in Savannah, and gave us an insiders tour of the waterfront and downtown.
The J.W. Marriott Hotel is a must see in Savannah – in the lobby and hallways are hundreds of huge world class crystals collected by the famous hotel developer Richard Kessler.
Savannah is known for its cobblestoned streets, narrow alleys, live oak tree-filled squares, and beautiful architecture. This alley just off River Street is typical of the area.
Suzanne’s sister Janice and her husband Rodney Martin drove up from Florida for a weekend, We had good weather for a long walk with them and our puppies around nearby Windmill Harbor.
My Lovely Bride always makes healthy food for our meals, so when she went out of town one weekend, I decided to emulate her by making myself a healthy salad… with fried oysters, which she is not fond of. The Daou Cabernet, although not perfectly paired with oysters as a French Sancerre might have been, was still delicious!
I was out pulling weeds in the yard one day when I saw this beautiful butterfly flitting from flower to flower in one of our Farfugium plants (also known as tractor seat plants), drinking nectar. I don’t see how anyone can get bored when there are so many natural wonders free for our enjoyment.
Recently we took a Sunday drive day trip to Aiken, South Carolina, a charming equestrian town just across the Savannah River from Augusta, Georgia. One of the local establishments caught my eye; unfortunately it was closed. And yes, Woodchuckers does have a liquor license (beer only)… I heard it was very popular among the students from the University of South Carolina (Aiken). Their mascot is the Pacer (a horse that specializes in harness racing).
Back on Hilton Head Island, we like to go for four mile long walks on the beach. The puppies have short legs, so we give them breaks in a folding cart named, what else, “The Wiener Wagon”.
Beautiful Page and stories ! Thank You both for sharing a part of your lives with the public, I feel like I am living it with you, the amazing stories. Love Love Love !
Love reading about your wonderful encounters and amazing outdoor trips. enjoy, you lovely couple. XXX Warm greetings from Belgium
What a fun blog post! My husband and I love Savannah, then his daughter moved there with her husband, to the Army base. It is a home away from home and your post captured it perfectly!
Hi Ty just want to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog. We live in Holland and have never been to the Americas and its fun to watch your's and Suzanne's adventures aswell as the puppies. Thank you from Mary Cordemans
I tried to make a comment, and somehow, missed a step on my phone.
Anyhow, I enjoyed this post..love the picture with the driftwood…well all of them…
An amazing crystal. Will miss you guys this summer.
Love reading about your adventures. I admire Suzanne so much, and im so glad she has led me to your blogs! Thankyou Irene from Australia
How fun!
~Marina, Elk Grove CA USA ��
Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading your about your adventures!
Hi Ty. I follow Suzanne on fb but this is the first time I've read your blog. Amazing photography! Thoroughly enjoyed visiting these places with you through your photos. I'm from Sydney, Australia and have never been to America. It's on my bucket list.
Have you guys ever thought of travelling to Australia? I would love that! Imagine the photo opportunities if nothing else! Continue on your amazing journey together with Suzanne and stay safe.
Warm regards, Rose