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Bus to Coach; A Spiritual Evening in Ft. Collins; Longmont Art; “Greasy Food”

The blog has been absent for a few days… the Blogmeister has not been kidnapped, but it has been an “interesting” week. After I recovered from the eel attack, we decided to take an easy day and look around our local area. We were camped in Longmont, but Firestone, Frederick, and DeCono were nearby communities. My Lovely Bride selected Frederick; it was an ominous choice. She said, “Let’s take a drive down this frontage road and see what’s there…” Now, I have to say in advance that she normally looks for country roads with scenic vistas, not service roads that run alongside freeways. I knew I was in trouble when I looked ahead and saw three (3) RV dealerships… “Ty, why don’t we stop in that one and look at the Prevost coaches that the movie stars use, just for fun…” Now I knew I was safe, because Prevosts start at $1 million, and there was no way we could afford a Tom Cruise Bus. Also, even though our American Eagle was only 10 years old, it had 87,000 miles on it, and by the new year would probably break 100,000, and its value would plummet. I was resigned to having it for another 5 years and then hopefully going back to backpacking, sleeping on the ground and cooking trout over a wood fire 20 miles from the nearest road. (Yes, I was terminally delusional.) My Lovely Bride had other ideas… 

We went inside and met my worst nightmare, Wade the RV salesman, who was not only a fisherman and a Nice Guy, but Very Smooth… Wade showed us a new Eagle like ours, which we also couldn’t afford, and then said, “Hey, you have to see the most popular floor plan in the industry right now… and it’s affordable…” I felt a vise around my throat and a sense of doom gripping my heart, and tried to reply, “Wade, I have to leave for a root canal appointment right now…” but before I could get a word out, Suzanne said, “That would be great.” You can see this coming, right? 

Well, to make a long story short, fourteen large bags of pennies, nickels and quarters later, we signed on the dotted line sixty three times and had a new home on wheels. Here is My Beloved sitting with a glass of the most expensive wine we had stowed in the belly of our old Eagle, saluting me on our new Itasca Ellipse 42QD, nicknamed “The Coach”, since “The Bus” has been traded in and retired. 

Here is a photo of our old Eagle and the new Ellipse side by side. It took two days to move all the stuff from The Bus to The Coach and get it stowed properly, but now we are settled in. We will be reading manuals and instructions for the next month, because the new Itasca is an order of magnitude more sophisticated than the Eagle. You can see a tour of our new coach here.  

I have to admit to you readers, but not to My Lovely Bride, that I think she made a good choice… The Coach is really pretty cool!  Tonight’s temperature is supposed to get down into the high 30s (Dillon, Colorado, 9,725 feet). As I write this blog, here is Rudy curled up in front of the fireplace“Hey, Dad, make it a bit warmer, please?”  

On Thursday evening, Suzanne presented her “Making the Connection” talk at the Pathways to Wellness Center in Ft. Collins. Carol Ostrom had attended Suzanne’s talk in Ft. Collins last year, and invited her to speak again this year. It was a wonderful, love-filled evening, with a small miracle resulting for one of the attendees, but you’ll have to visit Suzanne’s official Facebook page for more on that. Thank you, Carol, and special thanks to Rusty Bianchi, who drove a long way to hear Suzanne.

Since most of the attendees had not heard Suzanne before that night, she was very busy afterwards signing copies of her books. 

While Suzanne was busy one morning, I took the puppies into Longmont for a w-a-l-k. Rudy and Gretchen were particularly interested in the art displayed in a very small park next to an old church (1870’s) that had been turned into a tourist information center. He asked me to explain the meanings behind these particular pieces… I had to tell him, “Rudy, my boy, there are some things in the world of art, that cannot be easily explained… sort of like with women…” He nodded and sighed; Gretchen rolled her eyes…  

Finally, while touring around Frederick, Colorado, I found a fascinating eating establishment that rivals any in Wildwood, Florida… Jerry D’s, whose sign says it all. I was about to go in and take a photo of the customers, but the line of Harleys dissuaded me… I realized that in my khakis, polo shirt and Docksiders, I was probably underdressed… and unarmed. 


  • Beverly G
    Posted May 28, 2013 at 2:05 am

    Everyone looks right at home in the new coach – – it already had your name on it – – -was just waiting for you to stop by and pick it up 🙂 Enjoy!!

  • angeldust
    Posted May 30, 2013 at 9:56 pm

    Ty and Suzanne,
    OMG…WOW…WOW…WOW! Don't remember the discussion about this "stop" on the original itinerary!! Hmmm…spontaneity or serendipity? What a beautiful coach! What courage…buying a new house so far from home. Let us know when it feels like "home". Has a wonderful elegance in the pictures.

    Suzanne, don't know who is cutting your hair on the road, but looks great–especially your profile pictures. Looks as though the right people, places and things are showing up…once again. Love this vicarious invitation you've extended to us!!

    Continue with more fun and frolic (and keep the penny jars filled as much as you can).

  • MOM/Gina
    Posted June 3, 2013 at 2:49 pm

    Luv your new home.


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