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Filming TV Part II; Sold, Two Hot Rod Carts! Two Potential New Villagers? The Heart Circle; The Three Amigos

After a long day of filming yesterday, we were able to sleep in a bit, since Chris Lavelle and Tim Epner were doing some filming of scenic spots and people in The Villages. I thought we were going to have a mellow bike ride until they arrived at the house around 1130. Little did I know that My Precious Bride had the schedule memorized and thought that she would be “helpful” to our visiting film crew. As we were riding down CR 466 on the bike/cart path, she said, “Ty, let’s call Chris and Tim and see if we can meet them for some shots on the bike…” “Okey-dokie…”  So we met them on the boardwalk near the lighthouse, then shot some video on the road there and in one of our favorite places in The Villages, the oak grove at the intersection of Stillwater and Buena Vista. 

Back home for a quick shower; then more filming. Here are some of the highlights… Chris Lavelle interviewing Jan’s husband Bob for the second episode, the “Guys’ Day”. 

Suzanne and Jan Blythe are watching Bob’s interview with great anticipation. (This is before Bob “cheap-shotted” Your Faithful Correspondent… more to come on that fiasco!) 

Here is Bob showing off his $400,000.00 fancy golf cart. I think he has Chris and Tim almost hooked on buying one at this point, but the jury is still out… Chris’ reply, “But Bob, I don’t think my wife Gina would be ready for a golf cart right now…” notwithstanding. 

Okay, Bob is putting a full-court press on now… “Guys, look at the beer cooler under the hood of this beauty; you could put eight six-packs of Rochester Dundee Oktoberfest beer on ice here and party for two days! And it has an FM stereo…” “Hmmm, well, maybe we should at least give her a test drive…” (Bob is starting to set the hooks now…) Tim remarks, “What’s an FM stereo, Bob?” Bob replies, “It’s this new gizmo that’s even better than an iPod… you really need one!”

On his test drive, Chris displays “The Look”… “Oh, shucks, I am doomed… this is so much cooler than my Honda CR-V, but what will Gina say? I don’t think she’s ready to move to The Villages at 27 years old.” 

If you thought Chris was hooked, Tim figured out that the accelerator on this baby was almost as good as a Corvette’s… Tim is still single (but not for long) and is thinking, “Gee, my fiancee Heather will think I’m really cool with one of these…” 

Here Suzanne and Nancy O’Neal are reenacting a talk they had after Nancy’s very evidential reading. Tim and Chris are riding in the back of their new hot rod… oh, sorry… Bob’s other golf cart with a live mike and video camera rolling.  

Here is “My Buddy” Bob… I had loaned Chris my favorite fishing rod to use as a longer microphone boom, and Bob has just commented (and I quote), “Well, at least it’s being put to a good use, since it wasn’t being used for its primary purpose while Ty was fishing this summer!” Can you believe that “My Buddy Bob” would even think such a thought, much less speak it aloud? I was stricken… appalled… mortified… embarrassed… (Revenge will be mine, Bobbie Boy…)

After a fabulous dinner (chicken pot pie prepared by Ann Lavelle; thank you again, Ann!), the Heart Circle met for our final filming of the day. Lois Anne and Gayle were unable to make it, but they were in our hearts and prayers. Other members present tonight included Elizabeth, Bev, Carolyn, Ann, Bob, Jan, Donna, Barb, Gloria, and Nancy. Chris and Tim filmed a fabulous clip and then we adjourned for wine and delicious home made “nibblies”(lemon bars and pizzeles) by Bev and Gloria. 

Wrapping up the day, Tim, Suzanne, and Chris pose for a last shot before the guys depart to return home to Rochester, NY. They are the consummate professionals, so patient and easy to work with, even when dodos like myself keep flubbing their lines. They are welcome back any time, and we look forward to their return in a couple of months or sooner for the next two episodes’ filming. (Watch this space!) 


  • Beverly G
    Posted October 15, 2012 at 11:33 am

    You've captured such perfect highlights of the filming, Ty. When millions are watching the TV show, won't it be fun to look back at these photos! Wow, do I have a whole new perspective of the work and patience that goes into making a (quality) TV show. Chris and Tim are awesome!

  • Lois Anne
    Posted October 17, 2012 at 12:39 am

    I agree, Beverly. Ty's photos are amazing, and Chris and Tim truly are awesome! I love that you all were filming this past weekend. I'm so thankful for your blog, Ty, so I can keep up with all you are accomplishing. Today is my mom's "earthly birthday." She is smiling, too. What a difference Suzanne and Sanaya have made in our lives.


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