This week’s quiz is a bit different than normal… but then isn’t everything on this blog? I guarantee that it will be easier than the last one. We start today with 2 photographs. There will be four more sets of photos, for a total of ten (10) for those who are arithmetically challenged. Your objective, should you choose to play, is to identify each photograph with a simple description (max of 20 words, please; we don’t need the Great American Novella here.) If you don’t have a clue as to its identity and/or location, then just make something up. There will be two winners: the one with the most correct answers and the one with the most original answers, even if they are totally wacko. And yes, you can have a mix of the two, so you’d be crazy not to enter!
Okay, Photo # 1. Here is a hint: it is NOT in Europe.
And now, Photo # 2 (the bird, not the tree):
Flowers of the Day: I wanted to add these just because they struck me as beautiful. I don’t have a clue as to what they are, since I never grew flowers. If any would like to identify them, just drop me an email at ftgiesemann@aol.com.
Our word for the day is kerfuffle n. U.K. a noisy disturbance or commotion (informal) [Early 19th C. Origin uncertain: perhaps from Gaelic car “twist” + Scots fuffle “fuss”, similar in meaning to “getting your knickers in a twist”.] Example of use: “My goodness, Margaret, that American chap is creating a kerfuffle at the front desk.” “It’s simply shocking, Louise; these colonials just don’t know how to behave in polite society, do they?” (Actually overheard by My Lovely Bride in reference to a disturbed American at the Cooper Island Beach Club, British Virgin Islands, 1999. The American in question was subsequently identified as Your Faithful Correspondent.)
1 Comment
His shorts look like they are covered with Peacock
#2) woodpecker-there are different kinds
#3) pansies
#1 don't know….