Okay, here’s the deal: if you read my previous blog, you know that I am now traveling with a shapely young hula dancer who keeps me company while Suzanne is on travel. Unfortunately, she hasn’t spoken to me, so I need your help in giving her an appropriate name. I am including a short video to help inspire entrants. The winner will receive some appropriate prize which I have yet to identify. Please send your entries to tygiesemann@gmail.com. Here she is, in all her glory, and thanks again to Joyce and Sharon for relieving my loneliness…
I call all my Susans or Suzannes, Suzy Q's. How about Suzee Two, or Suzee Too? Sorry Ty, that's my best! Lol~
Patty Loftus Jones
Isn't that interesting… this is my first time reading your blog Ty. But now that I see how amusing your posts are, I may start reading regularly. And my entry for the name contest is Lulu.
From Sailor to Sailor. Who can forget Suzie Wong in Hong Kong. Just don't get a second one.
Are you ready???
Two Wong's don't make a Wright.
Ty and Suzanne Giesemann
Dale, We are both groaning over your puns…
Ty and Suzanne Giesemann
Patty, Thanks for your kind words about my (half) wittiness. Glad you will become a Loyal Reader!