Well, it’s kinda sorta official… we are moving from The Villages, Florida, to Bluffton, South Carolina, near Hilton Head. There are some “ifs”, like, if our house sells (we do have a contract, but you never know); if the home inspector doesn’t find wild pigs in the basement (we don’t have a basement), raccoons in the attic (he said this wasn’t uncommon in this part of Florida), or rattlesnakes in the closets (much less common, but potentially a show-stopper for our buyers). We have been in lovely central FL for 11 years, but after meeting Irene and Tony Vouvalides a few years ago, and sailing with them and four other Shining Light parents (Lynn and Jeff Hollahan, and Elizabeth and Cyril Boisson) on a sailboat charter in the BVIs, we decided that we had to move closer… the Hollahans and Boissons live near Scottsdale, Arizona, a very nice place, but too far from the ocean for Yours Truly. (Suzanne’s book about our experience, Still Right Here, is highly recommended.)I told Suzanne that my two man tent would suit me just fine on our lot, but after a “spirited and frank discussion”, she said that she was too old to live in a tent; I replied, “Wait a second, I just turned 71… if I’m not too old to live in a tent, why can’t you???” (Have you ever seen a woman holding a baseball bat and regretted the words that just came out of your mouth? Fortunately, I am pretty fast on my feet, and avoided her swing). So I picked out a design that I liked… just kidding… this isn’t ours; it’s a house in Leesburg owned by some guy from New Jersey, probably a “made guy” who obviously invested much more wisely than I.
After listening to My Lovely Bride’s arguments for putting a house up on our new lot, I spent many hours meditating over our upcoming move. Rudy and Gretchen also meditated on the topic of moving from a High Density Target Environment (there are many squirrels in our neighborhood). Here are the three of us doing our Ommmm workouts…. Rudy explained that he achieves a higher state of consciousness by reciting his mantra, “woof… woof… woof”… I tried it, but it put me to sleep.
On a more earthly (swampy???) topic, we are enjoying late Fall/early winter here in The Villages. Unlike our friends in the Frozen North (Condon, Montana is 28 tonight, while Coon Rapids, Minnesnowta is a toasty 31), we are enjoying temps in the 60s). MLB and I got out hiking recently at Flat Island Preserve near Leesburg, FL, just 30 minutes from our house, where a lovely hardwood hammock is surrounded by Okahumpka Marsh and Lake Denham.
Another hike took us to the Florida Trail in Ocala National Forest, the southernmost forest in the continental US, and home of the largest sand pine scrub forest (it’s actually much prettier than the name implies…) really, “scrub”??? Growing on deep, prehistoric (that means even older than My Good Friend Bob) sand dunes, the scrub is a unique plant community that is home to the scrub jay, sand skink, Florida bonamia plant, and many other species, including thousands of black bears, bald eagles, gopher tortoises, indigo snakes, wild boars, and red-cockaded woodpeckers. Freshwater springs (including Silver, Juniper, and Alexander springs) produce millions of gallons of crystal clear water every day. Oaks and pines predominate here, and the hiking is delightful. This is also where I had to use bear spray (repellant) a few years ago when a young bear wanted my dinner… or did he want me for dinner???
“The Forest”, as Ocala NF is referred to down here, is a haven for many “travelers”, some of whom are hippie-types from California… these folks must be relocating from the Left Coast to Florida for our better winter weather, bringing some “interesting” household goods with them…
Shorter winter days give us an opportunity to enjoy sunrise around 0700, and a few are very special…
Speaking of “special”, Suzanne has been doing some traveling lately, and when she’s on the road, I get to indulge my Cajun heritage and appetite with fried oysters and salad with remoulade sauce, accompanied by a Fat Tire beer. (Note the Tabasco sauce – I make my own cocktail sauce using ketchup, horseradish, Tabasco and lemon juice). Even after 20+ years, she hasn’t developed a taste for oysters, unless they are roasted over 400 degree flames at Drago’s Restaurant in Metairie, Louisiana…Seafood reminds me of nautical trivia (I am easily distracted)…. do you know what a Shellback is? How about a Golden Shellback? I am both! A Shellback is a sailor who has crossed the Equator, while a Golden Shellback has crossed the Equator at either the Prime Meridian (0 degrees Longitude, off the coast of West Africa) or the International Date Line (180 E/W Longitude), between the Phoenix and Gilbert Islands in the Pacific. On several US Navy ships, I think I’ve crossed the Equator about 14 times, but this Golden Shellback card from 1974 proves that I crossed at the Prime Meridian aboard USS Koelsch (DE-1049), a destroyer escort back in the “Real Navy”. Political correctness had not yet been invented and life in the Navy back then was a ton of fun!
Ah, “Navy”… both Suzanne and I taught at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, and for the past 4-5 years have been wagering dinners on the Army-Navy football game (one of the only things we watch on TV all year) with our dear friends Charlie and Elaine Cunis in Longmont, Colorado. Up until 3 years ago, Navy was winning every game, but then Army began slipping chemicals into the Naval Academy’s water supply, and Navy has lost the past three games. We still wear our Navy “colors” and root on the Midshipmen, but again this year we owe Charlie and Elaine a dinner when we visit Longmont.
On the subject of sports, I recently went out to Park City, Utah, to ski with our great Navy friend, Bill Hancock. Bill is 76, and a retired US Navy 3 star admiral. His ski buddy is 88, so I figured, “Well, how hard can it be?” I thought I was a fairly coordinated guy, having played soccer in college and cross country skied for several years. I had skied downhill a few times in my early 20s, but not very often. I was taken aback by my klutziness, and called it quits after a relatively minor, but sobering, knee injury – my ski career is over. I will stick to hiking, backpacking and maybe swimming with great white sharks as a simpler, less demanding sport…
On a more positive note, Suzanne has had several recent speaking engagements, including one in The Villages to the Seeking Spirituality and Edgar Cayce groups. She is a fabulous speaker, and if you haven’t heard her in person, you’re missing out. Her talks are almost always SRO…
After returning from my Utah trip, I was on a recovery walk when I encountered these three bobcats (Lynx rufus floridanus) in a swale near a marsh not far from our house in Florida. They were enjoying the sunshine on a warm winter’s day, and sat looking at me until I got within about 100 feet, when they scattered. Bobcats get their name from their short, “bobbed” tails.
Finally, this sign caught my eye as I was walking a few miles while waiting for new tires to be mounted on our car. Okay, yes, we live in a retirement community, but really, a “Life Event Center”?????
S/V Magnolia
Always humorous but do take exception to the "real navy" reference. I suspect John Paul Jones might have a word or two for you…we appreciate your relocation plan. We have already have Pentagon Sailing Crew in Bluffton, another couple currently building in Hilton Head and Lady's Island is one of our favorite stops. I wont overtly mention our favorite debate but yesterdays development MUST have the hair on the back of your neck up….be safe and good luck on the "plan."
Ty..you are hilarious again. Your meditation style is just like my husband's Mike. As for the Navy/Army football game, my hubby would cheer for Navy…he says the Navy are the Marine's bus drivers 🙂 Use to go to Hilton Head a lot when Mike was stationed at Parris Island S.C. back many, many years ago. We rented a small sailboat once while we were there. Like to sail as long as I see the shore. Didn't now, while we were sailing in the little boat, that Port Royal Sound was a breeding area for sharks. Best wishes on your move. Keep your stories coming. M&M