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Geo-Quiz Winners; Redeemed!

Entries from all contestants for the latest Geo-Quiz have been reviewed…. rat-a-tat, rat-a-tat… May I have the envelope, please… the winners are….
Chris Lavender and Sharon Curry!!!!  

Congratulations to you both… My Lovely Bride and I look forward to having you and your guests over for dinner at Das Blogmeisterhaus in the very near future! In keeping with the Transylvanian theme, we are doing a little redecorating…

Here are the questions and correct answers:

1. Island on the east coast of Africa named after an Italian crime family – Mafia Island – it is part of Tanzania, whose capital is Dodoma. 

2. Metro line and stop for the Spanish Steps in Rome: Line A, Spagna.

3. Italian town 55 miles southwest of Florence and 37 miles south-southeast of Livorno: Campiglia Marittima; Tuscan town: Porto Azzurro, on island of Elba. (This photo shows our sloop Liberty at anchor off Elba, one of our favorite spots in the Mediterranean.) 

4. Places related to volcano goddess and soccer player (both named Pele; the photo shows the world’s greatest soccer player’s signature “bicycle kick”): Hawaii and Brazil. The fossil collector’s wedding was in the town with a name related to (Skeet no s, man add s, bball ring): Keetmanshoop, Namibia. 

5. Email to friend: subjective section, both winners were great! This photo shows some of the local Gypsy fashions that Sharon and Joyce will be wearing soon in The Villages. Be careful, because they may have caught the vampire bug while vacationing near Dracula’s castle. Chris got to practice her Samba Hula at the wedding, and was wearing a garlic necklace to ward off the vampires in Transylvania. Both apparently enjoyed their strange, multi-national vacations! 

Congratulations again to Chris and Sharon!

After procuring some very fresh, brand new yeast (expiration date 2014), and taking a short course in Remedial Breadmaking 101, I was successful in producing a beautiful loaf of white bread in our bread maker! HOO-RAY! Now I can come out of the Bread Makers’ Hall of Shame….   

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